
Deborah Berke|纽约设计女神用简约征服全世界

Deborah Berke|纽约设计女神用简约征服全世界

Deboran Berke(生于1954年)是美国建筑师和学者。一个纽约市为基础的设计公司。自1987年以来,伯克在耶鲁大学担任建筑设计的兼职教授; 截至2016年7月,她成为耶鲁建筑学院的院长,成为第一位领导该大学建筑学院的女性。Deboran Berke (born 1954) is an American architect and scholar. A New York City-based design company. Since 1987, Burke has been an adjunct professor of architectural design at Yale University; as of July 2016, she became the dean of the Yale School of Architecture and became the first woman to lead the College of Architecture.

Deborah Berke以其简约,专注于艺术的设计风格,而闻名从顶级豪宅到私人住宅。Deborah Berke is known for his minimalist, art-focused design style and is known for his luxury homes and private homes.

Deborah Berke Partners选择餐厅作为探索当代生活和娱乐方式的空间。整个用餐区的单品以流线型为主,不对称的布置使空间更为活跃,每一件家具、饰品。灯具都是精心挑选过的。Deborah Berke Partners chose the restaurant as a space to explore contemporary lifestyles and entertainment. The entire dining area features a streamlined style, with asymmetrical arrangements that make the space more active, with each piece of furniture and accessories. The lamps are carefully selected.

caroline-wharton-ewing为此次项目的负责人,公寓最初于2007年建成,2016年改造完成,所有的房间以及外部空间都被设想为不断变化的艺术装置的地点。Caroline-wharton-ewing was the person responsible for the project. The apartment was originally built in 2007 and was completed in 2016. All rooms and external spaces were conceived as locations for ever-changing art installations.

432 Park Avenue,楼高1396尺, 96层西半球最高住宅大厦,售价从4400万到5.89亿人民币是纽约最昂贵的住宅之一。432 Park Avenue, a 1,396-foot high, 96-storey high-rise residential building in the Western Hemisphere, is priced from 44 million to 589 million yuan and is one of the most expensive houses in New York City.

根据不同的建筑内饰来设计地板,大理石瓷砖,即使这是2015年的项目,也不难看出简约风格发挥到极致,空间内没有多余的饰品。According to different architectural interiors to design the floor, marble tiles, even if this is a 2015 project, it is not difficult to see the minimalist style to the extreme, no extra jewelry in the space

